SCIO Biofeedback Scan

SCIO Biofeedback Body Scan

SCIO Biofeedback Scan In The Coachella Valley

Stress blockages from vitamins, amino acids, nutrients, minerals, enzymes, natural sugars, toxins, viruses, bacteria, fungus, allergies, food sensitivities, hormones, and emotional trauma in the body are identified using a SCIO (Scientific Consciousness Interface Operation) system

SCIO Biofeedback system is a worldwide known analytic device that detects stressors in the body. The SCIO is a high-tech complementary medical device that brings an awareness through consciousness of areas of stress and energy imbalances in humans and emits healthy patterns back to the body at a subtle energy level.

The device operates as a "scanning device" that provides insight into an individual's stress profile against nearly 12,000 different substances. The SCIO runs scans in our body according to the science of Quantum Physics.

The basic building blocks of quantum biofeedback therapy are that the body is electrical in nature, capable of self-healing when the right conditions or stimuli are provided, and will make self-healing changes as one's awareness increases.

Simply put, the SCIO detects the body's vibration and responses during treatment to bring an awareness through consciousness and promote positive health and well-being.

From this, it can be observed what are our body's default responses and reactions are to different stimuli. It recognizes the differences and then healthy signals correspond to our own individual properties and are fed back to the body. 

This information differs from standard medical tests because it tells us about the energetic state of the body and focuses the energy accordingly. Biofeedback can train in the moment and provide powerful relaxation to correct reactivity to stress with results within minutes as opposed to days or weeks.

The SCIO provides an accurate and precise picture of our overall health, and every training executed by SCIO is personalized and unique – improving health with the client's own signals; this is backed up by thousands of satisfied clients around the world.

When we are suffering from a physical or emotional problem and we are looking for a method that can help us. Why not to try the SCIO system? 

What does it help with?

The SCIO provides a quick, drug-free solution to many problems:

The SCIO can be effective in the following cases:

  • Stress reduction
  • Muscle relaxation
  • Pain relief and management
  • Emotional stress and trauma
  • Brainwave relaxation training

SCIO can make the difference

The SCIO Biofeedback scans the body against nearly 12000 substances. It does not cure or diagnose dis-ease. The SCIO will detect stress and teach and retrain the body in those areas impacted by stress and dis-ease. 

This advanced technology device detects stress reactivity to viruses, bacteria, fungus, nutritional deficiencies, vitamin levels, amino acid levels, hormones, bacteria and enzyme levels, allergies, and traumas in the body. This awareness allows the client to adjust stressors in their lifestyle.

What can SCIO do for you?

The effects of SCIO Biofeedback find solutions to many health conditions, from the simplest complaints such as toothache to complex chronic conditions.

Energy therapy: SCIO Biofeedback provides the energy balance of the body by using about 50 different therapeutic energies. In this context, it has functions such as providing energy flow, removing blockages, eliminating pathogenic microorganisms using zap frequencies, balancing emotional states, accelerating the body's healing functions, allergy treatment, detoxification, balancing the chakras.

SCIO Biofeedback embodies technology and is not a diagnostic tool. Inside the SCIO, there are many programs that, after measuring the body's frequencies, feed their own frequencies to repair and neutralize harmful waves. The measured frequencies are in some cases amplified, in other cases inverted to enhance or neutralize the body's frequencies.

SCIO Biofeedback shows not only the negative aspects of the body, but also the positive aspects. With SCIO Biofeedback we train in the moment and provide powerful relaxation to correct the mode of reactivity to stress.

Frequently asked Questions

  • Is SCIO a diagnostic device?

    No, SCIO is not a diagnostic device. This device does not treat, cure, mitigate, prevent or diagnose.  When used by a biofeedback technician, it provides very useful information to promote relaxation to the client and identify areas of stress that can contribute to a dis-ease process. 

  • Does SCIO cure diseases?

    No. We know that the body has the ability to heal itself under the right conditions. SCIO plays a role in removing barriers to wellness through stress reduction and relaxation; It does this by sensing specific stress factors in the body and in the electrical field.

  • Will I feel anything during the session?

    Most patients do not feel anything, as the SCIO sends signals that match the biological frequency (1/1000th of a second). People who are extremely sensitive to vibrations may feel a very slight twitch under the bands.

  • How soon will I start seeing results?

    It all depends on the patient's condition, lifestyle and the extent to which he or she receives the frequencies. We generally recommend continuing for four sessions to see the effect of the treatment however individualized plans are created after each session. 

  • How many sessions do I need to regain my health?

    There are many factors, from the patient's lifestyle to the initial health level. Some patients need several sessions over a period of 4-5 weeks and a session every 4-6 weeks in the following period. Some patients require more intensive treatment. The SCIO guides the decisions in the number of sessions needed. 

  • How often can I come to the sessions?

    After a standard session, the body needs 72 to 100 hours to fully integrate the frequencies it receives. Depending on the condition of the client and level of stress, the next steps can be determined. 

  • Are there any side effects associated with this treatment?

    Most patients do not report any side effects.

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